Title: Caroline Daley- Importance of Documentation CAROLINE DALEY: What we found as a family is that it's really important to have great documentation at school. For Lauren, she's a 24 hour kiddo in our home and in our community. And when we have really good communication between home and school and excellent documentation about her communication style, her given tools that she's using, that we're able to continue that consistently at home.. and then even better than just having just mom and dad know we have papers actually explain everything in pictures. We're able to share that with grandparents, cousins, people in the community. Our child has been able to participate in all types of activities out in the community because we're able to show the director or the teacher, whomever's in charge, how she communicates right on paper and they feel so comfortable then inviting her to be a part of the community. So everything that happens at school really does get to play out in real life when everything's written down.