Learning Resources
This page contains resources to help you expand your knowledge of deafblindness, advocate for your child, and support your family. It also has links to stories about the experiences of a wide variety of families who have children with deafblindness.
Information Resources

Info Center
NCDB's Info Center has information on all aspects of deafblindness in children and youth including assessment, communication, and promoting learning.

Family Topics
Resources of importance to families including emotional supports and working effectively with service providers. Check back at the beginning of each month for a new topic.
Most recent topic - Learn About The Hands & Voices Organization

Recursos para Familias
Selected resources for Spanish-speaking families of children with deafblindness, including fact sheets, articles, learning modules, and webinars.
Recurso destacado: Perspectiva Gen eral sobre la Sordo-Ceguera
Family Stories
Families Matter Stories
NCDB's Families Matter Stories introduce you to six children—Paul, Ava, Liam, Soliz, Camila, and Jake—and their families. The stories also include helpful information about communication, literacy, moving to a new school, and transition to adult life.

Stories from NFADB
The National Family Association for DeafBlind has a section of their website dedicated to sharing family stories. It includes spotlights of their members and more. To find the stories, go to the NFADB website and click on "Why We Do It" in the menu.

Family Fun Facts
NCDB posts Family Fun Fact on Facebook and Twitter. These stories, photos, and videos celebrate families of children who are deafblind. They are gathered by family engagement coordinators who work at state deafblind projects.