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February Monthly Update

Beach at sunrise. Text: February

Annual State Deafblind Project Interviews Report

The interviews reported in State Deafblind Projects: 2024 Findings from Interviews with State Deafblind Projects About the National Center on Deafblindness took place as part of NCDB’s evaluation process and were conducted by a third-party independent program evaluator. Fifteen state deafblind project directors or coordinators from 12 states were interviewed. The report covers a variety of topics including state project implementation and outcomes; gaps, barriers, and project support needs; and the quality, relevance, and usefulness of NCDB products and services.

Spring 2025 Issue of TX SenseAbilities

TX SenseAbilities is an online magazine published bi-annually for professionals and families of students who are blind, visually impaired, or deafblind. The Spring 2025 issue of TX SenseAbilities is available for free on the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired website. 

Photos/Videos Needed for NCDB Module

The next module in the Teaching Children Who Are Deafblind series will focus on preparation for successful transition to employment, post-secondary education, and life in the community when students leave school. We’re looking for photos and videos of teens and young adults who are deafblind to include in the module. This factsheet explains what is needed and more. Please share it with families, educators, and others in your area who might have photos/videos that match what we’re looking for. Note that NCDB pays for media that can be used in its professional development materials.

Usher Syndrome Newsletter: Grounded In Science

Did you know that the Usher Syndrome Coalition has a monthly newsletter, Grounded in Science? It is a mix of important research updates and well-being resources for the Usher syndrome community. Each edition features science news, a spotlight on the latest progress in research, and more. Access current and past issues at the Grounded In Science page of their website.

NCDB News and Events

Want to keep up with news and training opportunities to inform your work and share with families and practitioners? Visit NCDB's News and Events page (and sign up for email alerts when new items are posted). We not only post updates about what's new from NCDB but also events offered by state deafblind projects and announcements from key agencies and organizations.

New Publications

If you need assistance accessing any of the items below, contact

Anderzén-Carlsson, A. et al. (2024). Lived experiences of parents with deafblindness–not ‘a walk in the park’. Disability and Rehabilitation, 1-12.

McDowell, N. (2024). One size does not fit all: The lived experiences of children and adults who have CVI. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 118(6), 448-453.

Nordic Welfare Centre. (2024). Nordic definition of deafblindness

Rorije, M. et al. (2025). Implementation fidelity of video-feedback coaching for communication partners of individuals with congenital deafblindness. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 8, 100428.

simple, previous month

Foggy road in the forest. Written text: January

simple, previous month

Did you miss last month's update? Click on the link below to read last month's activities and events.