National Child Count
The National Child Count of Children and Youth who are Deafblind provides extensive information on the population of children identified with deafblindness in the U.S, aged birth through 21. Data includes state and national information on:
- Population demographics (age, race/ethnicity/gender)
- Type and severity of vision and hearing loss
- Causes of deafblindness
- Presence of additional disabilities
- Educational setting
- Living setting
Have questions?
Please feel free to contact Carlie Rhoads at any time.

The data is collected by each state deafblind project in the country, as well as projects funded in the Pacific Trust territories, the Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico, and compiled and reported by NCDB. Each year, every state deafblind project updates its annual count by providing information about new children who were identified over the course of the year, updating or confirming information on currently active children, and determining those who have exited special education or are no longer eligible to receive state project services.
The count, which began in 1986, serves as a common vehicle to identify trends and needs within the population. This information is then used to guide the development of technical assistance initiatives and services. It was initially requested by the U.S. Department of Education to examine the discrepancy between the state deafblind project child counts and the Department’s Office of Special Education Program’s annual Special Education Child Count, which counts children as deafblind only when deafblindness is a child’s sole disability. In contrast, the National Deafblind Child Count also includes children and youth who are deafblind and have additional disabilities. This is an important distinction because approximately 90% of children and youth on the National Deafblind Child Count have one or more additional disabilities.
If you are a state deafblind project staff member looking for information on how to conduct and report your child count, please visit our Child Count Management page.
Data Center
- 2023 National Deafblind Child Count Report [PDF]
- 2022 National Deafblind Child Count Report [HTML]
- 2022 National Deafblind Child Count Report [PDF]
- Earlier Deafblind Child Count Reports (2004-2021)
- Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities and Dual Sensory Loss: NCDB/ATLAS Report
- The National Deaf-Blind Child Count: 1998-2005 in Revie w
- National Child Count: A Snapshot of Newly Identified Children and Youth (2013-2017)
National Deafblind Child Count Reports (2004-2021)
2021 National Deaf-Blind Child Count [PDF version]
2020 National Deaf-Blind Child Count [PDF version]
2019 National Deaf-Blind Child Count [HTML]
2019 National Deaf-Blind Child Count [PDF version]
2018 National Deaf-Blind Child Count [HTML]
2018 National Deaf-Blind Child Count [PDF version]
2017 National Deaf-Blind Child Count [HTML]
2017 National Deaf-Blind Child Count [PDF version]
2016 National Deaf-Blind Child Count
2013 National Deaf-Blind Child Count
2012 National Deaf-Blind Child Count
2011 National Deaf-Blind Child Count
2010 National Deaf-Blind Child Count
2009 National Deaf-Blind Child Count
2008 National Deaf-Blind Child Count
2007 National Deaf-Blind Child Count
2006 National Deaf-Blind Child Count