National Initiatives
Technical assistance is typically organized around the needs of a population.
Most of NCDB’s work focuses on four national initiative areas designed to address key needs of children with deafblindness, their families, and their service providers. Children are better educated and have more successful transitions to adult life when these needs are addressed.
What you'll find on Initiative pages
NCDB’s initiative work primarily involves support to state deafblind projects in their efforts to improve the ability of early intervention, educational, transition, and family systems to serve children who are deafblind.
For each initiative you will find a description of the initiative, how NCDB assists state projects, examples of work conducted by state deafblind projects, events, and resources.
Although, the information is primarily intended for state project personnel, much of it will be useful to other individuals and agencies working to address the needs of children with deafblindness in these initiative areas.
Our Initiatives