Activities at Home to Promote Transition Skills
September 2020
Getting ready to transition to adult life requires a great deal of preparation beginning in childhood and continuing throughout the high school and young adult years. While schools are essential partners with families in this preparation, there are many things that can be done by families on their own at home.
The resources on this page provide activities that you and your child can do together to help them prepare for employment, future education, and living as independently as possible.
Additional resource:
- Transition to Adulthood – NCDB Info Topics on transition planning, post-secondary education, and employment

Practice Everyday Skills
Activities from NCDB's READY Tool:
- Home Management - Grocery Shopping
- Home Management - Food Preparation
- Home Management - Housekeeping
- Home Management-Laundry & Clothes Care Checklist
- Home Management - Home Maintenance/Security
- Ordering Take Out
- Practicing a Positive Attitude
Create a Portfolio
A portfolio is a way for your child to organize and share important information about who they are with others. They should be told from the child or youth's point of view.
Transition Portfolios
Provides suggestions and examples of what to include in a portfolio, such as information about communication, mobility, and health.
Transition Guide for Students who are Deafblind
See the "Transition Student Portfolio," on pages 29-51. It provides a structure for a portfolio that can be completed by children or youth and their families. From the University of South Dakota Center for Disabilities.
Plan for Work or College
Talk to Your Child About Employment: A Checklist for Parents