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The Role of the Family in IEP Development

January 2020

Each August and September, as children head off to begin a new school year, educational teams are busy creating plans to support the growth of their students.

As a family member of a child with deafblindness, it is important for you to understand your role in this planning process. Here are some resources that clarify the role of the family in the development of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs).


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Center for Parent Information & Resources logo.

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The Center for Parent Information & Resources (CPIR) is an essential source of information for all families of children with disabilities. It has information about special education law, how to work with schools and educators, and how to be an effective advocate for your child.

General IEP Resources

The Short-and-Sweet IEP Overview (CPIR)

Questions Often Asked by Parents about Special Education Services (CPIR) - The specific IEP information begins about halfway down (Part III).

Resources Specific to Families of Children with Deafblindness

Families as Partners in the Educational Team
In this 31-minute video, the presenters share their personal and professional experiences to illustrate the powerful role of families as educational team members.

Advocating for Your Child's Needs 
A 20-minute video with guidance on what parents need to know about their child's legal rights and advocating for high-quality IEPs.

Developing an Effective IEP for Children with DeafBlindness: A Parent Mini-Guide (Perkins)
This guide is designed to help you work with your child’s team to develop a plan for services for your child. The IEP is the road-map for your child’s future! 

IEP Meeting Checklist for Parents of Children with DeafBlindness (Perkins )
Review this checklist before and bring it with you to IEP meetings.