Transition: Learning about Adult Service Agencies
July 2020
Many youth who are deafblind need ongoing support to live, work, and participate in community life after they graduate from high school. If this is true for your child, it’s important to:
- Start learning about adult agencies and their eligibility requirements as early as possible
- Include them in your child’s transition plan
- Get on waiting lists for relevant services

Adult Service Resources
Recommendation 4: School and Adult Agency Collaboration
From NCDB’s Recommendations to Improve Transition Outcomes for Students with Deaf-Blindness and Additional Disabilities.
Adult Services Funding
Describes Medicaid Waivers and other funding sources.
Adult Agencies and Organizations
Brief descriptions of state and national organizations and agencies that provide support for transition-age students and adults with disabilities.
Additional Transition Planning Resources
Transition to Adulthood: Where Do We Start?
An overview of the transition planning process.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Secondary Transition
This web page from the National Parent Center on Transition and Employment provides relevant excerpts from IDEA regarding transition legal requirements.
Tips to Maximize the Parent Role in Transition
How to make the most of your role as a parent and partner during transition planning.
Transition to Adulthood
Information about Transition in NCDB’s Info Center.
READY Tool: Readiness Evaluation of Transition to Adulthood for Deaf-Blind Youth
The READY Tool helps families and educators determine essential activities that must be carried out during the transition process.