Tactile Learning Strategies

Vision and hearing are the primary senses through which education occurs for most children. When these senses are absent, distorted, or diminished, educators and families must use alternative strategies to support learning.
These strategies include tactile modeling, mutual tactile attention, and the use of a hand-under-hand approach to interactions.
Most children with deafblindness have residual hearing and vision. To enhance learning, tactile learning strategies are paired with approaches that incorporate the other senses (e.g., smell, taste, proprioception).
See also:
Introductory Resources
Learn More
Touch for Connection and Communication (OHOA Module)
Offline Resources
Book: Chen, D., & Downing, J. E. (2006). Tactile strategies for children who have visual impairments and multiple disabilities: promoting communication and learning skills (pp. 45-72). AFB Press.
Article: Downing, J., & Eichinger, J. (2011). Instructional strategies for learners with dual sensory impairments in integrated settings. Research & Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 36(3-4), 150-157.