Teacher Preparation Programs: Deafblindness
Updated July 2022
This is a list of university teacher preparation programs (undergraduate and graduate) that include content in deafblindness.
The "DB content" field specifies whether the university has courses specific to deafblindness or integrates content about deafblind learners into other special education courses. The "Format" field specifies whether the program is online, on campus, or a combination (hybrid).
Please note that this list is not comprehensive. In addition, programs change frequently, so contact the programs themselves for the most up-to-date information.

University of Arizona
Degree or certificate: Master of Arts in Special Education with a specialization in Severe and Multiple Disabilities, which includes a concentration in deafblindness and autism spectrum disorders.
Contact: Stephanie MacFarland, 520-621-5165, szm@email.arizona.edu
DB content: Heavily integrated into required core coursework in severe and multiple disabilities and practicums when a student is on the deafblind concentration track.
Format: On-campus late afternoon courses as well as online and hybrid courses.
Fieldwork requirement: Three required supervised fieldwork semesters out of four semesters of the traditional 2-year master's program. Two practica and one full-time student teaching internship (an externship can be planned for out-of-state internships).
San Francisco State University
Degree or certificate: Extensive Support Needs (credential)
Contact: Dr. Kathleen Mortier, (415) 338-7847, kmortier@sfsu.edu
DB content: Content on instruction for learners with deafblindness infused throughout 4 core methods courses and 4 sessions dedicated to assessment, instruction, curricular, and communication issues related to learners with deafblindness.
Format: On campus
University of Northern Colorado
Degree or certificate:
- Master of Arts in Special Education: Visual Impairment
- Master of Arts in Special Education: Deaf/Hard of Hearing
Contact (VI): Silvia Correa-Torres, 970-351-1660, Silvia.correa-Torres@unco.edu
Contact (DHH): Sandy Bowen, 970-351-2102, Sandy.bowen@unco.edu
DB content: Integrated. One deafblind-specific course (Intro to Visual Impairment and Deaf-Blindness).
Format: All online
Fieldwork requirement: Yes
Notes: University also offers an endorsement in Orientation and Mobility.
Florida State University
Degree or certificate: Combined Junior/Senior/Master’s Degree Program—leads to a Bachelor of Science in Visual Disabilities Education and a Master of Science in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in Visual Disabilities (certification track). This combined degree program leads to eligibility for teacher certification for students who do not already have teacher certification, and leads the student to obtain a Teaching License from any state that requires teachers complete a state-approved program. Students may add additional courses that lead to eligibility to sit for the ACVREP exam in orientation and mobility. Students who have previously earned a baccalaureate degree may participate in this program as well.
Master of Science in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in Visual Disabilities (non-certification track). This degree is not a Teacher Certification program, and is intended for students who already have teacher certification or who would like to take coursework in Orientation & Mobility. Students who choose to take coursework in this area may apply to the Florida DOE for an endorsement in this area after degree conferral. However, O&M is not a state-approved educator preparation program offered through FSU.
Contact: Eileen Bischof, bischof@fsu.edu
DB content: Three courses with deafblind content integrated within the combined junior/senior/master’s degree program (Methods for Learners with Visual Impairments and Additional Disabilities I, Methods for Learners with Visual Impairments and Additional Disabilities II, and Advanced Methods for Learners with Visual Impairment and High Intensity Needs).
Format: Face-to-face classes are required to complete the graduate degree.
Fieldwork requirement: There is a 20-hour practicum required for both Methods for Learners with Visual Impairments and Additional Disabilities I and II. The practicum for the Advanced Methods for Learners with Visual Impairment and High Intensity Needs is 40 hours. These practica occur at a center-based school for students with multiple/severe disabilities, some of whom have deafblindness. Students may request to be paired with a student with deafblindness. Students may also request a student teaching placement in a school/classroom serving students with deafblindness anywhere in the country, provided they can find housing in the area of the school.
Illinois State University
Degree or Certificate:
Bachelor of Science in Education: Specialist in Low Vision and Blindness
Master of Science in Education in Low Vision and Blindness
Master of Science in Interdisciplinary Early Intervention Sensory Disabilities
Contact: Mindy Ely, msely@ilstu.edu, Natalie Shaheen, nlshahee@ilstu.edu
DB content: Integrated throughout each of the three programs.
Format: The undergraduate program is on campus. Both graduate programs are online.
Fieldwork requirement: Yes
University of Kentucky
Degree or certificate: DeafBlind Graduate Certificate
Contact: Donna Carpenter, Ed.D., donna.carpenter@uky.edu
DB content: This certificate program focuses on providing advanced training for early intervention providers, preschool teachers, special education teachers, teachers of the visually impaired, teachers of the deaf/hard of hearing, and rehabilitation counselors. Coursework consists of four 3-credit hour courses: Practicum in Early Childhood, Addressing Communication Needs of Learners Who Are DeafBlind, Assessment and Intervention Planning for Learners Who Are DeafBlind, and Visual Impairment and Multiple Disabilities.
Format: Fully online (synchronous and asynchronous)
Boston College
Degree or certificate: M.Ed., Teacher of Students with Extensive Support Needs. Optional Specialization in Deafblindness.
Contact: Susan Bruce, 617-552-4239, Susan.bruce@bc.edu
DB content: Content in deafblindness is embedded into five courses. Those taking the optional Deafblind Specialization will also complete a sign language course, a braille course (taken elsewhere and applied to the program), a language acquisition module, and Deafblind Seminar. They will complete a full practicum in a classroom that includes students who are deafblind.
Format: On campus evening course model combined with summer course offerings.
Fieldwork requirement: Pre-practicum and full practicum required.
Notes: Massachusetts does not offer a teaching licensure in deafblindness. The program coordinator writes a letter confirming completion of the program and specialization. Graduates also list the specialization on their resumes.
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Degree or Certificate:
- Graduate Certificate in Sensory Disabilities
- Master’s Degree in Special Education with a Specialization in Visual Impairments
Contact: Dr. Mackenzie Savaiano, 402-472-3801, msavaiano2@unl.edu
DB content: Integrated throughout VI courses. One course in instructional methods for students with severe disabilities. One deafblind-specific course (Deafblind Institute) offered in partnership with the Nebraska Deafblind Project.
Format: Hybrid—most courses are provided via distance education technology, but there are in-person requirements during the summer.
Fieldwork requirement: Yes
Notes: NE Rules/Regulations (Rule 24) for Teacher Preparation programs (IHEs) requires deafblindness be included in content for personnel prep for deafness and blindness.
New York
Hunter College, City University of New York
Degree or certificate:
- Masters in Childhood/Early Childhood Special Education
- Annotation in Severe/Multiple Disabilities including Deaf-Blindness
- Advanced Certificate in Severe/Multiple Disabilities including Deaf-Blindness
- Master’s in Blindness/Visual Impairment (TVI Certificate)
- Teacher of Blind/Visually Impaired Advanced Certificate
- Orientation and Mobility Advanced Certificate
- Masters in Vision Rehabilitation Teaching (VRT)
Contact: Beth Brady, LBrady@hunter.cuny.edu
DB content: Integrated into all Severe/Multiple Disabilities and TVI courses. One deafblind-specific course (SPED746: Educational Implications of Deaf-Blindness) required for all Severe/Multiple Disabilities programs and for the Blindness/Visual Impairment Master’s program (not required for the Advanced Certificate Program in Blindness/Visual Impairment). SPED746 provides a comprehensive overview of deafblindness, including communication development and assessment, modalities of communication, diversity of the population, interveners and collaborative teaming, transition, early intervention, stress and behavior, curriculum adaptations, and instructional modifications.
Format: TVI Master’s program and Severe/Multiple Disabilities programs are on campus only. TVI Advanced Certificate program can be taken on campus or via distance learning.
Fieldwork requirement: 10 hours of field observation are required for every 3-credit course; two semesters of student teaching/practicum are required for all Master’s programs. One semester of student teaching/practicum is required for both advanced certificate programs. SPED746 requires students to conduct field observation of a learner who is deafblind and to develop a comprehensive, holistic, student-centered, communication plan integrating relevant areas of assessment and instructional strategies.
North Carolina
East Carolina University
Degree or certificate: Graduate Certificate in Deafblindness
Contact: Dr. Sandra Warren, warrens@ecu.edu
DB content: Five deafblind-specific courses (Characteristics, Issues, and Trends in Education of Students with Deafblindness; Essentials of Communication Development for Students with Deafblindness; Assessment and Educational Program Design for Students with Deafblindness; Effective Teaching and Learning for Students with Deafblindness; and Internship with Students with Deafblindness).
Format: All online
Fieldwork requirement: Individually designed internships.
Notes: Graduate Certificate Program in Deafblindness is open to anyone with a Bachelor’s degree. Admission is through the Graduate School and requires an application and transcripts.
New cohort starting January 2022
Kutztown University
Degree or certificate:
- Bachelor’s in Education: Teacher of the Visually Impaired Specialty
- Teacher of the Visually Impaired Graduate Certificate
Contact: Nicole Johnson, njohnson@kutztown.edu
DB content: Integrated into all the TVI coursework.
Format: Undergraduate program is on campus. Graduate certificate is online/hybrid.
Fieldwork requirement: Undergraduate requires hours throughout TVI coursework and an 8-week student teaching placement with a certified teacher of the blind and visually impaired. The graduate certification requires observations built into coursework and an internship with a certified teacher of the blind and visually impaired.
Notes: Students have multiple opportunities to work in various areas that include working with students with deafblindness, multiple disabilities, low vision, etc. Students are given experience both at schools for the blind and in itinerant settings.
University of Pittsburgh
Degree or certificate:
- Teacher of students with visual impairment graduate-level certificate or master’s degree
- Orientation and mobility graduate-level certificate or master’s degree
Contact: Tessa McCarthy, 412-648-7308, tessam@pitt.edu
DB content: Integrated.
Format: Mostly online; some on-campus instruction required.
Fieldwork requirement: Yes
Notes: Graduates would benefit from additional, focused coursework if they wanted to work specifically with students who are deafblind.
Rhode Island
Rhode Island College
Degree or certificate:
- B.S. in Special Education with a concentration in Severe Intellectual Disabilities. Students in this program must have a prior or concurrent program in either Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Middle Level Education, or Secondary Education.
- M.Ed. in Severe Intellectual Disabilities. Graduate students in this program typically have a “base” degree in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Middle Level Education, or Secondary Education. If they do not have this “base” 4 additional courses will be added to their program.
- Certificate of Graduate Studies in Severe Intellectual Disabilities. Graduate students in this program must have a current teaching certification in Mild/Moderate Special Education.
- Certificate of Graduate Studies in Transition for Youth with Exceptionalities. The primary goal of the proposed CGS is to increase knowledge and implementation of best practices by transition team members: teachers, administrators, and adult service providers.
Contact: Sue Dell, 401-456-8557, sdell@ric.edu
DB content: Integrated
Format: Hybrid—face-to-face coursework combined with online modules infused within applicable courses.
Fieldwork requirement: All courses within the field of Special Education have some level of fieldwork ranging from 5 to 30 hours. Each program requires a minimum of a 12-week full-time placement in a setting that supports students with complex disabilities.
Texas Tech University
Degree or certificate:
- M.Ed. in Special Education with a specialization in Dual Sensory Impairment (Deafblindness)
- Graduate Certificate in Dual Sensory Impairment (Deafblindness)
Contact: Phoebe Okungu, 806-834-0286, phoebe.okungu@ttu.edu
DB content: Five deafblind-specific courses (Anatomy and Function of the Visual System, Programs and Services for Students with Deafblindness, Strategies for Students with Multiple Disabilities and Visual Impairments or Deafblindness, Communication for Individuals with Deafblindness, and Anatomy and Functions of the Auditory System for Students with Deafblindness).
Format: M.Ed. program is comprised of ten online courses and two hybrid courses as well as a comprehensive project. Two of the courses are internships. Graduate certificate is comprised of four online courses and one hybrid course. (Hybrid courses are online with a weekend face-to-face class in Lubbock, TX.)
Fieldwork requirement: Yes
University of Utah
Degree or certificate: Endorsement in Deafblind Education. Master of Education or Master of Science degree may be obtained concurrently. [Endorsement in Deafblind Education must be attached to another Special Education licensure.]
Contact: Sarah Ivy, sarah.ivy@utah.edu
DB content: Three deafblind-specific courses (Teaching Children Who Are Deafblind, Advanced Assessment and Instructional Design for Learners Who Are Deafblind, and Fundamentals of Orientation and Mobility for Teachers of Children Who Are Blind/Visually Impaired and Deafblind). Content also integrated into other special education courses.
Format: On campus, distance program available.
Fieldwork requirement: Two semesters of fieldwork required. The first semester is Field Studies; the second is Student Teaching.
Notes: The program at the University of Utah is approved for endorsement in deafblind education issued by the Utah State Office of Education. The program of study is 35-credit hours, including practicum hours. In addition to the deafblind-specific courses listed above, coursework in ASL, braille, ocular disorders, audiology, and severe disabilities is included in the program. In Utah, the deafblind endorsement must be attached to existing licensure in special education. Students seeking a master’s degree also take a 9-credit-hour advanced graduate course. Currently, have a federal grant that provides tuition support to select students.