Accessing the Dream: Preparing Deaf-Blind Youth for a Self-Determined Life

June 2016 - National Transition Initiative, NCDB
All young adults who are deaf-blind need extensive transition planning and services in order to experience success in adult life. Transition Institutes have historically sought to bring together young adults and their families to build skills and provide training in the pursuit of better personal transition outcomes. These institutes are a collaborative effort across 21 State Deaf-Blind Projects over a span of 10 years. The energy of the 2012 and 2015 Transition Institutes provided opportunities to capture interviews with youth, families, and service providers to share their perspectives on the experience of transition.
This video product is based on the Taxonomy for Transition Programming developed by Paula D. Kohler, Ph.D. The video chapters offer insight and understanding based on foundational best practices in transition planning: Student-Focused Planning, Student Development, Interagency Collaboration, Program Structure, and Family Involvement.
Contributors & ReferencesPDF Document|89.5 KB