Meet Jake Steinbach

Meet Jake Steinbach. He is 22 years old and just graduated from high school. Jake currently lives with his mom (Dee), dad (Ernie), and brothers, Connor and Patrick, in Lawrence, Kansas.
Jake's deafblindness was caused by a neural tube defect and hydrocephalus. He has cortical visual impairment and a mild high-frequency hearing loss. He also has a conductive hearing loss and auditory processing disorder. He wears a hearing aid in his left ear, but does not tolerate one in the right.
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Joy of Occupational Therapy and Literacy
This is a website created by Jake’s mom
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A Slide Presentation Created by Jake
Jake created this presentation when he was 20 to introduce himself to peers and potential employers.
Person-Centered Transition Planning [Video]
Helen Keller National Center Regional Representatives
Paths to Transition [Website]
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Joy of Occupational Therapy and Literacy
This is a website created by Jake’s mom
Learn more . . .
Learn more...
A Slide Presentation Created by Jake
Jake created this presentation when he was 20 to introduce himself to peers and potential employers.
Person-Centered Transition Planning [Video]
Helen Keller National Center Regional Representatives
Paths to Transition [Website]