Strategy 2: Engage children in reading activities with peers
What to Do
- Provide opportunities for the child to read for fun with a friend
- Provide opportunities for the child to participate in paired reading
- Involve the child and his or her peer(s) in dramatic play (e.g. act out a story, put on a puppet show, develop your own version of reader’s theater
- Provide opportunities for the child to read to younger children (provide adaptations/assistive technology as needed)
Things to Consider
- Is the peer someone the child already knows and interacts with? If not, have you thought about how to build a trusting relationship?
- Does the peer understand the child’s vision and hearing needs?
- Does the peer know the best way(s) to interact with the child?
- Have you thought about how you might use assistive technology to increase participation and interaction between the child and peer?
Always Ask Yourself