Open Hands, Open Access (OHOA): Deafblind Intervener Learning Modules
The Open Hands, Open Access (OHOA): Deafblind Intervener Learning Modules are a national resource designed to increase awareness, knowledge, and skills related to intervention for students (ages 3 through 21) who are deaf-blind and being served in educational settings.
The modules, created by a diverse group of experts in the field of deafblindness, were designed to be used as part of comprehensive intervener training programs offered by qualified agencies or institutions. The content is aligned with Council for Exceptional Children standards that outline knowledge and skill competencies for interveners. On their own the modules do not serve as an intervener training program.
If you are a state deafblind project or university program planning to provide training or coursework using the OHOA Modules, please read NCDB Technical Assistance and Support for OHOA.
If you have any questions, email
Impact of Deafblindness on Learning
Promoting Learning
Preparing for Adult Life

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