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2017 National Child Count of Children and Youth Who Are Deaf-Blind Report


Over 70 specific etiologies are identified in the 2017 National Deaf-Blind Child Count. Some are exceedingly rare, with less than five cases. Others are much more prevalent. There are 13 etiologies with at least 100 cases, and one—Cornelia de Lange syndrome—with 99.

Complications from prematurity continues to be the most commonly identified etiology. The prevalence of CHARGE syndrome continues to increase. In 2017 there were 933 children and youth identified as having CHARGE syndrome. While still relatively rare, the prevalence of children with Stickler syndrome and Dandy Walker syndrome has also increased. About 19.0% of the children and youth have no determined etiology.

Overall, the total number of children and youth identified with a prenatal congenital or postnatal non-congenital etiology has declined from 2,732 to 2,551 over the past five years, while the number with hereditary syndromes and disorders has increased from 3,945 to 4,482. Hereditary syndromes and disorders now account for 44.8% of all identified etiologies. Prenatal congenital complications account for 13.9% of identified etiologies and postnatal non-congenital complications account for 11.6% of identified etiologies. Complications from prematurity account for 10.5% of identified etiologies and 19.2% of the children and youth had no identified etiology at the time data was collected.

Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS), which has long been associated with the development of the deaf-blind technical assistance system, is no longer a prevalent etiology. In 2017, there were 41 individuals whose etiology was identified as CRS, down from 89 in 2010. Over 75% of these individuals are over 10 years of age and over 50% are 15 years of age or older.

The heterogeneous nature of the population cannot be overstated. The etiologies or causes of deaf-blindness bring unique issues and challenges. Some are relatively more common, such as CHARGE syndrome, Down syndrome, Usher syndrome, and Cytomegalovirus. Some are very rare, with less than five individuals reported nationally, such as Batten disease, Prader-Willi, and Kearns-Sayre syndrome.

Primary Identified Etiology

Hereditary Syndromes/Disorders Total
CHARGE Syndrome 933
Usher syndrome (I,II,III) 329
Down syndrome (Trisomy 21 syndrome) 315
Stickler syndrome 137
Dandy Walker syndrome 115
Goldenhar syndrome 101
OTHER: Hereditary Syndrome/Disorders      2552
Prenatal/Congenital Complications Total
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) 292
Hydrocephaly 214
Microcephaly 206
OTHER: Pre-Natal/Congenital Complications 679
Postnatal/Non-Congenital Total
Asphyxia 194
Severe Head Injury 159
Meningitis 137
OTHER: Post-Natal/Non-Congenital                  670
Complication of Prematurity                            1047
No Determination of Etiology                         1920


Etiologies: Alphabetical Order by Category

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Hereditary Syndromes and Disorders Total
Aicardi syndrome 34
Alport syndrome 3
Alstrom syndrome 25
Apert syndrome/Acrocephalosyndactyly, Type 1 7
Bardet-Biedl syndrome (Laurence Moon-Biedl) 15
Batten disease 6
CHARGE Syndrome 933
Chromosome 18, Ring 18 31
Cockayne syndrome 13
Cornelia de Lange 99
Cri du chat syndrome (Chromosome 5p- synd) 23
Crouzon syndrome (Craniofacial Dysotosis) 15
Dandy Walker syndrome 115
Down syndrome (Trisomy 21 syndrome) 315
Goldenhar syndrome 102
Hand-Schuller-Christian (Histiocytosis X) 1
Hallgren syndrome 1
Herpes-Zoster (or Hunt) 1
Hunter Syndrome (MPS II) 3
Hurler syndrome (MPS I-H) 19
Kearns-Sayre syndrome 7
Klippel-Feil sequence 3
Kniest Dysplasia 11
Leber congenital amaurosis 36
Leigh Disease 5
Marfan syndrome 2
Marshall syndrome 26
Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome (MPS VI) 1
Moebius syndrome 50
Monosomy 10p 6
Morquio syndrome (MPS IV-B) 2
NF1 - Neurofibromatosis (von Recklinghausen dis) 13
NF2 - Bilateral Acoustic Neurofibromatosis 7
Norrie disease 37
Optico-Cochleo-Dentate Degeneration 2
Pfieffer syndrome 27
Prader-Willi 4
Pierre-Robin syndrome 48
Refsum syndrome 18
Smith-Lemli-Opitz (SLO) syndrome 2
Stickler syndrome 137
Sturge-Weber syndrome 8
Treacher Collins syndrome 24
Trisomy 13 (Trisomy 13-15, Patau syndrome) 61
Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome) 47
Turner syndrome 9
Usher I syndrome 233
Usher II syndrome 85
Usher III syndrome 12
Waardenburg syndrome 31
Wildervanck syndrome 2
Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome (Trisomy 4p) 72
OTHER: Hereditary Syndromes/ Disorders 1,693
Pre Natal Congenital Complications Total
Congenital Rubella 41
Congenital Syphilis 1
Congenital Toxoplasmosis 12
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) 293
Fetal Alcohol syndrome 18
Hydrocephaly 206
Maternal Drug Use 85
Microcephaly 214
Neonatal Herpes Simplex (HSV) 7
OTHER: Pre-Natal/ Congenital Complications 514
Post Natal Non-Congenital Complications Totals
Asphyxia 194
Chemically Induced 14
Direct Trauma to the eye and/or ear 14
Encephalitis 45
Infections 33
Meningitis 136
Severe Head Injury 160
Stroke 56
Tumors 94
OTHER: Post-Natal/ Non-Congenital 415
Additional Etiologies Total
Complication of Prematurity 1,047
No Determination of Etiology 1,919


Etiologies: Frequency order by Category

Download the PDF version of the tables that are displayed below.

Hereditary Syndromes and Disorders Total
CHARGE Syndrome 933
Down syndrome (Trisomy 21 syndrome) 315
Usher I syndrome 233
Stickler syndrome 137
Dandy Walker syndrome 115
Goldenhar syndrome 102
Cornelia de Lange 99
Usher II syndrome 85
Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome (Trisomy 4p) 72
Trisomy 13 (Trisomy 13-15, Patau syndrome) 61
Moebius syndrome 50
Pierre-Robin syndrome 48
Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome) 47
Norrie disease 37
Leber congenital amaurosis 36
Aicardi syndrome 34
Chromosome 18, Ring 18 31
Waardenburg syndrome 31
Pfieffer syndrome 27
Marshall syndrome 26
Alstrom syndrome 25
Treacher Collins syndrome 24
Cri du chat syndrome (Chromosome 5p- synd) 23
Hurler syndrome (MPS I-H) 19
Refsum syndrome 18
Bardet-Biedl syndrome (Laurence Moon-Biedl) 15
Crouzon syndrome (Craniofacial Dysotosis) 13
Cockayne syndrome 13
NF1 - Neurofibromatosis (von Recklinghausen dis) 13
Usher III syndrome 12
Kniest Dysplasia 11
Turner syndrome 9
Sturge-Weber syndrome 8
Apert syndrome/Acrocephalosyndactyly, Type 1 7
Kearns-Sayre syndrome 7
NF2 - Bilateral Acoustic Neurofibromatosis 7
Batten disease 6
Monosomy 10p 6
Leigh Disease 5
Prader-Willi 4
Alport syndrome 3
Hunter Syndrome (MPS II) 3
Klippel-Feil sequence 3
Marfan syndrome 2
Morquio syndrome (MPS IV-B) 2
Optico-Cochleo-Dentate Degeneration 2
Smith-Lemli-Opitz (SLO) syndrome 2
Wildervanck syndrome 2
Hand-Schuller-Christian (Histiocytosis X) 1
Hallgren syndrome 1
Herpes-Zoster (or Hunt) 1
Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome (MPS VI) 1
OTHER: Hereditary Syndromes/ Disorders 1,693
Pre Natal Congenital Complications Total
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) 293
Microcephaly 214
Hydrocephaly 206
Maternal Drug Use 85
Congenital Rubella 41
Fetal Alcohol syndrome 18
Congenital Toxoplasmosis 12
Neonatal Herpes Simplex (HSV) 7
Congenital Syphilis 1
OTHER: Pre-Natal/ Congenital Complications 514
Post Natal Non-Congenital Complications Totals
Asphyxia 194
Severe Head Injury 160
Meningitis 136
Tumors 94
Stroke 56
Encephalitis 45
Infections 33
Chemically Induced 14
Direct Trauma to the eye and/or ear 14
OTHER: Post-Natal/ Non-Congenital 415
Additional Etiologies Total
Complication of Prematurity 1,047
No Determination of Etiology 1,919