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READY Tool: Readiness Evaluation of Transition to Adulthood for Deaf-Blind Youth


The READY Tool was created to meet the needs of all young adults with deaf-blindness regardless of individual characteristics or cause of deaf-blindness. Use of the tool should result in an accurate assessment of best practices that have and have not been addressed and thus help to identify areas where additional planning and programming are needed. It should be completed by all team members working together. 

The design of the tool recognizes the fluid, incremental nature of the transition planning process and is organized by four age groups: prior to 14; 14 through 17; 18 through 21; and 22 through 26. [Note that individuals in the 18 through 21 category may still be in the school system or they may have exited. The best practices listed for that age range should work for both situations.] 

The best practices in the top three age ranges build on those that came before. Families and teams may find they need to review sections geared toward children and youth younger than the one on whom they are focusing, as well as the section that is currently applicable. For example, a team working to address the needs of a 16-year-old will probably want to review both the "prior to 14" and "14 through 17" categories.

Each age range is further divided into the following three areas: 

  • Transition Assessment – Includes recommendations regarding assessment processes and practices to help the team gather essential information needed for transition and adult-life planning. 
  • Transition-Related Education Programming – Describes best practices for educational programming to prepare students and young adults for all aspects of adult life (e.g., independence, adult living, employment, community engagement).
  • Team Collaboration and Adjustments – Outlines practices to ensure the team has the right members and processes at each stage of transition planning and instruction.

Within each applicable age range, teams evaluate whether the best practices have been addressed and rate their status as “started,” “progressing,” or “completed.” The comments section is used to elaborate on the current status and note team member questions or concerns.