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Posted Feb 08, 2017|Archived Webinar

EI&R Webinar Series - Working with the Medical Community

Recorded February 8, 2017

This webinar presented the work that New York Deaf-Blind Collaborative has done in conjunction with the medical community to increase their child find. This webinar provided an overview of:

  • The NYDBC Medical Outreach Model
  • Action steps taken to gain entry into various medical venues
  • Commentary from representatives of major medical facilities in NYC on how the interaction has impacted their practice
  • Tools used to expand outreach for EI&R

Recorded Webinar
Working with the Medical Community

Captioning (txt)

This one of several webinars being offered to state projects to have the opportunity to collectively engage in discussions to further national efforts to more effectively identify children who are deaf-blind at an earlier age.

The full list of the webinar series can be found here:
NCDB Webinar Series: Early Identification & Referral