Understanding the Child and Sharing What You Know
Open, thoughtful communication among families, educational teams, community members, and health care providers promotes a common understanding of a child or youth’s preferences, medical history, communication methods, routines, and goals.
It also supports collaborative problem-solving and helps everyone involved with a child to communicate with them and provide instruction in a consistent way.
The use of technologies such as Google Docs and YouTube, as well as portfolios, experience books, shared notebooks (e.g., between home and school), and structured meetings (e.g., person-centered planning), makes it easy to share information and work together across environments.
Introductory Resources
Learn More
The Communications Portfolio (Video)
Article: Demchak, M. A., & Greenfield, R. G. (2000). A transition portfolio for Jeff, a student with multiple disabilities. Teaching Exceptional Children, July/August 2000, 44-49.