OHOA Module: Calendars

Learning Outcomes
- Explain why a student with deaf-blindness might have difficulty learning time concepts and time vocabulary, and understanding traditional timepieces.
- List the continuum of time frames in calendar systems and identify several student characteristics that are prerequisites for each.
- Identify ways that calendar systems are individualized for students with deaf-blindness.
- Describe strategies to depict and discuss the past events for each time frame.
- Describe how calendars move from concrete to abstract across the time frames to teach vocabulary about the future.
- List examples of how calendars support communication for students with deaf-blindness.
- Understand the crucial role that calendars play in supporting and clarifying genuine conversational interactions.
Development Team
- Robbie Blaha (Lead)
- Johanna Borg
- Michelle Clyne
- Vivecca Hartman
- Barbara Martin
Use of this Module
This module is available for free on our website. We invite anyone to use these materials. Please note that NCDB does not provide CEUs, certificates, or confirmation of completion.
Suggested Citation
Blaha, R., Borg, J., Clyne, M., Hartman, V., Martin, B. (2015, September). Calendars. In National Center on Deaf-Blindness, Open Hands, Open Access: Deaf-Blind Intervener Learning Modules. Monmouth, OR: National Center on Deaf-Blindness, The Research Institute at Western Oregon University.