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OHOA Module: Emergent Communication


 Time to complete: 20 minutes

This module is a companion to the module, "Understanding Communication Principles." Together they provide an introduction to emergent communication. As you learned previously, "emergence" means a gradual beginning or coming forth; a rising to the surface. These modules are about how to help communication emerge in students who are deaf-blind.

The information presented in this module builds gradually. The concepts in each learning activity build on those presented in prior learning activities. It is extremely important that you complete the activities in the order they are presented.

Have fun!

Watch the introductory video. It's packed with information about emergent communication and why it is essential to skillfully help a student build early communication skills. You will hear terms that may be new to you. They are defined in the glossary (below) and will be explained throughout the course of the module. As you watch, take notes in your Intervener Journal.

Bernadette van den Tillaart and Lauri Triulzi explain the importance of understanding a child or youth's emerging communication behaviors and using them as a starting point for helping them develop communication skills.

Screen Reader Note

This module contains slide presentations. Here are instructions to best access the slides when using a screen reader:

  1. Under each slide presentation is a link to "Download PPT or PDF Version of Slide Presentation" 
  2. Click on that link to open a new window with the Google slides and navigate through the presentation

You do not need to further download to a PDF or PowerPoint.