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OHOA Module: Maximizing Vision and Hearing

Learning Activity 3: Assistive Technology Devices

Time to complete: 1.5 hours


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Suggested Discussion Board Activities and Assignments

Discussion Board Activity - Assistive Technology on the Move:

  • Interveners have to deal with real life situations all the time. How would you handle a situation in which a student took an assistive device home, but did not bring it back to school the next day? What should the intervener and teacher do? What strategies would you use if this happened frequently?
  • Having access to appropriate devices can have a positive impact on a person's social development, self-identity, and sense of connection with the larger world. Share your thoughts about how students who are deaf-blind can have access to devices at home, in the community, and at school. Think through challenges families face in terms of access to resources.


Students who are deaf-blind typically have a great array of assistive technology of devices. They are excellent tools for maximizing hearing and vision. Interveners support students in the use of these devices.