OHOA Module: An Introduction to Sign Language and Braille

Learning Outcomes
- Understand that language development exists along a hierarchical continuum.
- Understand the intervener's role in supporting sign language and braille development.
- Know that consistent use of strategies and modalities across communication partners and environments is essential for learners who are deaf-blind.
- Understand that students who are deaf-blind are multimodal communicators.
- Understand the role of touch (e.g., for communication, information, and expression of emotions), and how it is re-prioritized as an access point by students who are deaf-blind, regardless of their use of functional vision.
Development team
- Susanne Morgan Morrow (Lead)
- Darlene Daniels
- Tina Hertzog
- George Stern
- Heather Withrow
Use of this Module
This module is available for free on our website. We invite anyone to use these materials. Please note that NCDB does not provide CEUs, certificates, or confirmation of completion.
Suggested Citation
Morrow, S., Daniels, D., Hertzog, T., Stern, G., Withrow, H. (2016, September). Introduction to Sign Language and Braille. In National Center on Deaf-Blindness, Open Hands, Open Access: Deaf-Blind Intervener Learning Modules. Monmouth, OR: National Center on Deaf-Blindness, The Research Institute at Western Oregon University.