OHOA Module: Touch for Connection and Communication

Learning Outcomes
- Observe how a student who is deaf-blind can use touch to gain access to the world in a way that will lead to communication and learning.
- Understand how mutual tactile attention, tactile modeling, and joint tactile attention lead to communication and language development.
- Evaluate the variety of ways touch can be used for communicating and learning.
- Learn about techniques for supporting language, communication, and mutual attention to reduce isolation and promote access to environmental information.
- Understand why, when, and how to use tactile symbols with students who are deaf-blind.
Development Team
- Kathee Scoggin (Lead)
- Gloria Authenment
- Myrna Medina
- Megan Mogan
- Chris Russell
- Jelica Nuccio
- Hayley Broadway
Use of this Module
This module is available for free on our website. We invite anyone to use these materials. Please note that NCDB does not provide CEUs, certificates, or confirmation of completion.
Suggested Citation
Scoggin, K., Authenmen, G., Medina, M., Mogan, M., Russell, C., Nuccio, J., Broadway, H. (2016, September). Touch for Connection and Communication. In National Center on Deaf-Blindness, Open Hands, Open Access: Deaf-Blind Intervener Learning Modules. Monmouth, OR: National Center on Deaf-Blindness, The Research Institute at Western Oregon University.