OHOA Module: Values, Ethics, and Professionalism

Learning Outcomes
- Apply ethical decision-making skills.
- Recognize the need for ongoing professional development to ensure that your skills match the support needs of the student.
- Recognize the need for self-reflection and self-care.
- Describe how personal bias affects listening skills and reactions to people and situations.
- Recognize the need for and importance of receiving feedback from others.
Development Team
- Beth Kennedy (Lead)
- Djenne Morris
- Jennifer Miller
- Juanita Rodriguez
- Marta Sanabria-Ortiz
- Johanna Borg
Use of this Module
This module is available for free on our website. We invite anyone to use these materials. Please note that NCDB does not provide CEUs, certificates, or confirmation of completion.
Suggested Citation
Kennedy, B., Morris, D., Miller, J., Rodriguez, J., Sanabria-Ortiz, M., & Borg, J. (2015, September). Values, Ethics and Professionalism. In National Center on Deaf-Blindness, Open Hands, Open Access: Deaf-Blind Intervener Learning Modules. Monmouth, OR: National Center on Deaf-Blindness, The Research Institute at Western Oregon University.